There is a minor drive between Pskov and Smolensk, but it doesn't amount to much.
Their main push is to the south of the Smolensk bulge.
Their main push is to the south of the Smolensk bulge.
They attempt to smash a hole in the north of the bulge, but the line holds.
My troops on the line are nearly surrounded, but not quiet.
They attack around Kiev, but the lines are strong and the river is a great defensive bonus.
They are more successful to the south.
They open a hole and advance up, but there is no threat of encirclement – yet!
They push along the Romanian border.
There are minor advances, but the line holds.
Casualties are up on last week, but still half what they have been.
Partizans are beginning to organise more now.
They seem to have completely given up on Leningrad.
The line in front of Smolensk is looking strong.
This however is a mess – and I have no fresh reserves this turn!
While I'm retreating, there are chances for attacks here – plus I need to clear some ground.
While I'm retreating, there are chances for attacks here – plus I need to clear some ground.
This is a mess, but the best I can do.
While I need these guys down here, I kinda wish I'd sent some of them north!
Again, this will have to do.....
I'm going to draw deep on my reserves – most of the tank units are below 33% TOE, but there is a lot more of these I can draw upon.
That is a lot of guns heading to the front, and hundreds of thousands of men. Hopefully it'll make a difference!

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