Axis attacks near Lenningrad are to the south east, not north.
Though they do take Tallinn.
The continuing battle of Smolensk kicks off to the north of the city.
The continuing battle of Smolensk kicks off to the north of the city.
The main front is strong, and they push around the city, but no attacks are made on the fortified river line – just north and south of it.
They worry the flanks, but the centre is untouched.
Kiev is now under threat.
I have cause to be worried for the city.
Further south they begin a string of attacks – our men hold at first.
But as the number of attacks increase, units begin to retreat,
And then rout.
The black number are how many times the hex has been attacked this turn, and you can see it's been a lot of fighting.
The black number are how many times the hex has been attacked this turn, and you can see it's been a lot of fighting.
Which they do successfully, though they are unable to exploit it for now.
Our casualty rate is dropping, and the Axis's climbing.
Near Lenningrad, I am starting to switch to a defence in depth. And my men are using the time to dig in.
Near Lenningrad, I am starting to switch to a defence in depth. And my men are using the time to dig in.
I do the same around the southern area of Smolensk.
To the south I see the opportunity to advance into better defensive positions.
I try and shore up the Kiev defence as best I can.
I even launch a spoiler attack.
The very south looks dire.
I pull another 200,000 men from the reserves, but it's going to be a few weeks before they are fighting on the front.
Their rate of advance is slowing. It'll be September soon.....

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