My tapped tank units are forced to surrender.
Then the Germans reconnect the one unit I trapped in south.
They try to drive through to Poznan.
This time though, my troops hold the line.
Okay, Okay, hold the encirclement.
They attack along the northern front this week as well.
They beat my line up, but their tank losses rise.
In Hungary, they reverse my advances – but this is only a spoiler attack in the end.
Losses could be worse.
The Western allies advance – though there is no sign of movement in France.
I continue to push in Hungary.
They have retreated, which makes life easier.
I rout a Hungarian unit in Austria.
I probe the northern part of the retreat.
But mostly it's moving troops up to attack positions.
I push forwards.
They have pulled back a bit more near Poznan, so I get to move forwards.
I fail my attack on Poznan with heavy losses, but the nine artillery divisions I use reduce the city to rubble.
They have finally had to pull troops off the northern flank!
Got to keep up the pressure – Winter is coming once more.

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