We only see token attacks in the north. Apart from here.
Here they decide to push back my units in a coordinated attack.
These units were weak advance units, and cannot hold.
It takes them three attacks, but the Germans are able to advance one hex towards their trapped fellows.
Attacks down the line rout the occasional weak unit with losses, but don't really affect the shape of the line.
The losses are higher than I want though.
The far south is fairly quiet.
Those are some one sided losses to start the turn.
My forces take Memel without a fight. This is my first part of Germany conquered!
I mostly have to move up, so there is little fighting here.
I then start cleaning up the tip.
They take some persuading, but the enemy begin to surrender.
Wow! That's a lot more than I was expecting from that hex!
The tip is destroyed, netting me a total of ninety thousand prisoners
The guys further west are more resiliant, and it's going to take some time to move these guys forward.
This entire section of the front needs more troops before they can advance properly.
Odessa was left undefended, and the troops around it weak.
So I make a push here.
Another 20k begin their march east.
And I know I have at least 20k more to collect here as well.
That's a nice number of captures.
Will I get Minsk before the mud?

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