There is a minor attack in the south.
It's only a minor advance however.
The air force is picking up the pace now.
There are some minor readjustments.
We're coming up on their line now.
Though we still have room to advance near Lvov.
There is only one trapped unit to clean up today.
The push into Romania continues.
Our spies report that the Germans are seeing a slight increase in troop numbers.
And they are rebuilding their tank losses well. They have been quite protective of their armoured units.
This is coming at a cost to their manpower pool – the Germans have freed up all the men they can, so it's only downhill from here – I'm disbanding some units as the front it narrowing, and I want them all on the front rather than stacked five deep.
We are pushing on Belgrade.
The Western Allies are advancing in Italy, mainly due to their lack of forces.
They are short on troops in the north as well.
Losses are low, but we will soon see the temp increasing.
There will need to be a pause after this – my forces are low on supplies, and in most places supplied from a single rail line. The Germans will be dug in, so it may be I will not be in a good place for a offensive until winter – or maybe even next year!

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