The opening German moves are to reconnect these forces.
Then they manage to reconnect Poznan. Which is more than annoying.
There is a scattering of fighting in Hungary.
They push back the probe near Breslau.
We take heavy losses here as they out two corps with a large push.
Then we jump around the line as the Germans hit weak units.
There are lots down here as we advanced with everything as quickly as we could.
Losses mount as small units take heavy losses.
They even push on the north a little.
Two to one casualties with heavy tank losses. About normal.
Oh, look whose finally moving!
The north is looking weak.
Lets make a push here.
Unfortunately, the German counter attacks have sapped my strength once more.
So it's mostly small spoiler attacks.
They have weak chinks in their armour.
There is the dream of an encirclement here.
More stagnation.....

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