Where we see no mud, we see attacks.
These are spread across the line.
Losses are mounting, but not as heavy as they have been.
At least their losses are climbing as well.
None of these attacks are meant to break through, they are just to hurt me.
Where we hold, they take losses.
But they continue to pick on our weaker spots.
These are my heaviest losses for the turn.
Near two to one losses – a good week!
Tuscany is recaptured by the Allies.
They've pulled back again. I push my armour forward to see if I can provoke a general retreat.
I try and push through on the other side...
... but they are too densely packed.
So it's back to hitting them where they are weak.
I mean, it's only fair – that's what their doing to me!
This is all about inflicting losses on them.
They have millions in their manpower reserve, and I need to do something about that.
Here I nuke a good number of tanks.
I surround a Hungarian unit.
You know, I have no idea what's going to happen next turn....

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