War in the East 2 Turn 3

The Germans begin to clear the pocket.
Tens of thousands surrender to the Axis forces. Some of them are valuable mechanized formations.
The pocket is pushed smaller and smaller.
They retake Lvov.
Then push forward into the space I vacated. This gives my men on the new line time to dig in.
Further south, the Romanians push forwards.
They move towards Odessa.
In the north, there is a small push around my Pskov line.
The Center sees them retake Minsk, but their forward movement is minimal.
A quarter of a million losses, one hundred and ninety thousand captured in a week. This is not great, but could be worse.
Wait, that unit is still cut off!
I have a crack, but there is no way I'm taking these guys out.
I do cut off those lead panzer units, but the line won't hold here for long!
I cut some more supply lines.
I isolate another division, and the Smolensk line hardens up some more.
Somehow some of the trapped troops are still up and moving.
The southern front has not dug in as much as I would have liked, but it's better than nothing.
The Romanian front is a mess, I have nowhere near the troops I need.
The Moscow Milita has been placed under my command, I begin to rail them to the front.
Things are looking good – the enemy are not pushing as quickly as they could be, and the lines are holding – for now.

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