Astel leaps into the hole. A proper heroic moment.
It's a good call.
Especially with this many enemies!
The party begins split.
We fail to take the Sommelier down.
Except we do – Anmos got some poison damage in!
The kill makes him untouchable.
They move up and get some hits into the other monsters in the room.
The ladies are catching up. Lark smashes a Weldling with her staff.
Not that the lads look like they need help at the moment.
They smash their way through the Morgathai.
The Butler falls.
We dodge their attacks.
Then Astel takes out the Batchby
Anmos finishes off the Watchman.
Down go the Spectiks.
The last foe is a Wardrobe that is trapped behind a barricade to the north.
We chip away at it.
It's badly wounded, but manages to spawn a Weldling.
Which dodges our attacks.
I make a choice- Lark hits them with a blast, but Anmos is in the area – but he tanks it easily, and the foes are finished.
Victory and a level for Astel. I choose to upgrade the rabbit.
Loot is distributed.
Weldlings are harder to kill.
We begin scouting the last site, and go in to clear it.
They hike into the mountains.
And they find an egg? Do we touch the egg? Are we Jawa's at heart?

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