This is a first, our men hold an attack by the enemy. Its vs a security division, but it's something!
The Germans bring up a combat division instead, and it's all over. Its a distraction of resources however!
The Romanian forces are on the move.
The Panzers near Smolensk are held.
Our forces are driven back after multiple attacks, but there is not general retreat or mass encirclement, and compared to last week the German gains are minor.
Our men further south continue to put up a good fight – it takes several combined Panzer Divisions to shift them.
The Germans clear up the fortified positions near Lvov.
Then they rescue their cut off lead units.
The units that are supposed to be surging deep into my territory are forced to turn around and clear their supply lines.
The Germans advance up, but the infantry are not making the gains expected of them – which is good!
A whole five Panzer units and a motorized division are used to shift a single tank division. I actually laugh out loud at this squandering of resources.
131,000 losses, high, but half of the last few days.
Cut off troops re-occupy Lvov. This will cause more units to have to be brought back to clear them from the city.
The rest of my forces pull back to a defensive line.
The rest of my forces pull back to a defensive line.
The rest of the front is looking weak however. Though troops have retaken Minsk.
Things around Smolensk look good, I have rivers and armoured units on the line.
The northern front is putting together something like a line, Pskov has a nice line in front of it.
Please ignore the gaping hole in between these two... hard points? I'm hoping the Germans will!

Next Update.....