As mentioned, Graylee is in fact our first legacy character! She's actually on my home screen! This is how she looked at the end of her story.
Our current Graylee is a younger, less powerful version – but she still has a artefact bone bow!
So here she is, starting a new adventure out of time and space.
We get on to recruiting our next hero. This guy claims to have something of a pedigree.
Can we raid this museum for loot? No? Awww.
We take Astel and pump him full of steriods.
Oh great, here comes another incursion.
It's good positioning for us however.
Astel is a battledancer.
We start building defences, but there is an opportunity knocking.
Rath is worried about the animals.
Yeah, this is a major problem, Greytails instead of Red! CALL FORTH THE GRIFFONS! IGNORE THE INCURSION!
Do we head to Shamblefeilds? We would still be able to leave a force to defend the town, as we will be limited to 3 people in this one, so 5 could hold the town.
I split the party into two teams, one digging in at Trimstag, the other off to the lookout to see what's up.
Rath apparently turned into a lightning druid.
Ciara spends her days around frogbirdwomen and lightning men, and is married to someone slowly turning into a tree. She has more than her fair share of weird.
He's got undead monsters in the corn....
… Planting trees.
I guess he doesn't want his farmland turning into woodland.
Yeah, he's not happy.
I'm sure Rath can defend himself....
Ciara storms out, salmming the door behind her, leaving the other two standing in uncomfortable silence.
It's nice someone has morals.
That hurt our legacy a little, but gets us more wood.
That's another level and better elemental skills for Rath.
I get level 2 defences up before the Deepists arrive.
We charge into battle.
We're ready for this.
We need to be, the Deepists are numerous – and this is just the first wave!
We ready the archers.
And do some damage.
There is a mushrox to the south.
I try to take it out before it becomes a problem.
I fail.
Somehow everyone dodges this charge that destroys the barricade they were hiding behind.
Anmos takes a hit on his flank.Anmos takes a hit on his flank.
A villager deals with the Muskrox.
While Yvilde does for the Murkmother.
Anmos is holding his flank almost on his own.
The Mushrox left a Horn child in the middle of the house.
Lark deals with it how we deal with all children in this party – by smothering it.
A Woken slinger hits Anmos.
More enemies advance.
Oh yay.
A little help here?
I guess absorbing evil magics helps!
We take the Woken down.
Anmos gets the archer support.
Untouchable works!
Anmos is properly clearing house.
Oh give me a break.
The others are down south holding the door.
Anmos must be feeling pretty grumpy about this division of labour.
Things are going well in the south.
Anmos's only friend dies.
The south call in the archers.
With mixed effect.
The father takes a dislike to being hit.
Lark deals with the Woken
And Yvilde deals with the Father.
More threats arrive in the west.
The party redeploy and put some fire out.
The Chosen goes full bull and charges in. We dodge, but Bunsen gets in a killing hit.
We somehow hit the Mushrox inside the house with the archer barrage.
And Yvilde gets the kill.
Victory in a very hard fought battle.
But it's right out and scouting.
I reveal both, but decide to clear the fields – I'll balance the partys after this.
Our heroes do that thing where they talk about the thing that's just about to be relevant.
What do we do with the sword in the stone?

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