I was expecting more to be honest, but this works.
Our foes are numerous.
Whoo, a water spirit.
Lynn rushes in to get it.
She's already built to stunt, so the option to get an action point back is great!
She then sneaks out.
Magic clears out a dart.
The Stormthroat falls to Lark, though the other guy blocks the damage.
They are doing well avoiding my fire.
Ciara takes a hit.
Then another – this is more damage than we have taken in a long time!
She quickly gets her revenge.
Lark deals with the other guy.
Into the building we go.
We rack up on the doors.
Oh high Dart.
Bye Dart.
Ciara's axe deals with a Stump.
Rath and Lynn find another.
Rath is not able to take it down, and it hurts Lynn.
Then Rath brings the lightning to finish it.
No levels, but it's a nice victory.
I don't need a two handed axe, so it gets scrapped.
After the battle they have a chat.
The Drauven get stronger.
We secure the site.
We find an artefact! Winner!
And a second item!
I keep the Morgathai under control.
Moving on to the next site, the party is waylaid by rain.
With nothing better to do, they do some old school dungeon delving.
The word your looking for is tapestry.
What should we do with the obviously magical tapestry?

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