The Heroes begin to clear the last site – and there seems to be something beneath the floor.
Whoooo. Cool axe.
And now it's our cool axe!
Down into the depth go the heroes.
Ciara gets the axe – Anmos can't use it, as it's a two handed weapon and he now only has one hand.
Three wardrobes? This could get messy!
The heroes find a door, and get ready to break it open.
Upon doing so, they uncover a new threat!
Gas! Gas! Gas!
The room is filled with a twisting maze of barricades – but Yvilde can get a hit in.
Anmos tries to clear a Spectik, but the terrain gets in the way.
Ciara finishes it.
The first wardrobe is revealed.
Rath drops some damage on the Haberdasher.
And Lark finishes it.
We can all agree on that!
The monsters move forwards.
Their attacks are ineffective.
The Wardrobe is creating trouble.
We continue to whittle them down.
Lark takes a hit to the fire.
We need to do something about that guy.
We need to take out these guys as well.
So Ciara teleports in and hacks one down.
The Mages get to work on the Wardrobe.
Anmos finishes a Sommelier.
Oh knock it off!
Down goes the Spectik.
And the Weldling – this axe is amazing! Anmos does for the other one.
And the Wardrobe is finally down.
We stack up on the next door.
There was a Weldling on the other side.
This could be a problem.
I'm going to terrify them. (That's an old, obscure injoke reference. Lets see who gets it)
The other one does make a friend.
Let's try and deal with this one.
Night night.
Unlimited power!
It makes another Spectik, but things are going my way now.
Anmos chops the Wardrobe into firewood.
Then Rath fries the Spectik.
Victory and a level for Yvilde.
We get a crossbow, which I give to Ciara as an offhand weapon in the secondary slot.
I pick the upgraded throughshot.
Yeah, there are three more chapters, this is far from over.
Old people really do get fatalistic, don't they.
On the other hand, 11 years pass before the next incursion.
The world is a slightly safer place.
The years of peace are filled with cheese and squirrels...
… learning and rebuilding....
… and a surprising new arrival. She takes Ambush as a skill.
And of course the transformations continue. It looks like the fox tail is not a full transformation, just a cool addition.
The question for this session is what do I focus our upgrades on this time?

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