We go for the fox tail.
Well, we're down to one human again.
That's some nice bonuses!
On to the fight!
They have a wardrobe. These guys can spawn out lesser minions.
Let's get on taking it down!
Down it goes.
The Discus ricochets.
Lark uses her magic as well.
Poison takes the Sommelier down.
More Morgathai come forward, Anmos takes a bit of damage.
They build up fast.
Yvilde does a through shot, but the Batchby blocks it.
Anmos and Ciara do their thing.
Rath brings his lightning.
Rath brings his lightning.
Dragging it backwards an pinning it.
A Weldling appears.
First we need to take the Batchby down.
We mage the wildling to death.
Victory is ours once more.
Only now that I'm editing the pictures do I realise I just reduced Larks' spell damage for a sword she will never use.
At least the team are happy with themselves.
Lark also gets a magical ring.
The route north is across a major river.
So we build a bridge.
The world gets more dangerous. I spend some LP to block the Morgathai one however, and we still have 6 left.
We cross the river and scout the new land.
Finding more corruption. We of course move to clear it.
We find another shrine.
I like Ciara, she's the level headed one. Unfortunately she's in a relationship with Captain YOLO.
Further desecration is prevented by the coming of the enemy.
The party has seen much worse.
The battle starts with a Yvilde special.
We get forward and move on the two monsters outside the building.
They move to attack, Anmos leaps forwards and all but kills the seeker.
But then it attacks, paralysing him in a waking dream!
The monsters try and warn the others.
Ciara does not like this idea.
The others stack up on the door as the Seeker runs around screaming.
Rath dodges the dreamtrap.
And Ciara finishes the beast.
With Anmos still parallelized, the rest of the party move on to clearing the building.
Lark puts down some damage.
And Yvilde geeks the mage first.
Ciara continues to do good work.
Rath finishes the Thrusk.
We claim victory.
Lark levels and I of course upgrade the tail.
Ciara takes the belt, as we are seeing more magic and she has little warding.
We get right back to looting.
Look Ciara, we both know your never going to be able to stop this lot from doing something stupid.
An amazing choice, Frog or Ram – but the game won't let me save, so I have to ask myself, what would the thread do?
Oh yeah. Here. We. Go!
The statue begins to jump. Which makes sense, it's a frog after all.
I literally double over laughing. Our luck with the transformations continues, and Birdfrog is born!
Yvilde accepts this with all the grace of a goofball. We may well now have to choose which transformation to progress at the end of the chapter – so let me know which one you would prefer!
Before I leave you for this update, we are now going to be seeing more seekers.

Next Update