That will be a no for mystical revelations for Rath.
+1 Armour is a good boost however!
Our enemies are numerous!
Oh a fire spirit! It runs off into the building.
Lark goes to follow, but finds a horde of enemies.
Step on is to take out the guy with the AOE attack.
We poison the Batchby then Ciara slams it. It's counter attacks are dodged.We poison the Batchby then Ciara slams it. It's counter attacks are dodged.
Lark pins the thing in place.
The fire spirit speeds off again.
Ciara continues to hold the door.
She is wounded this time, but the her armour takes the brunt of it.
Spectiks are not much of a threat any more.
They can't even move up without taking a hit.
Amnos just tanks it.
Yvilde scouts the next room, before stepping into the greyfade. We are running low on time to get to that spirit!
Oh yeah, I need to deal with that guy.
Rath take a hit.
A through-shot does good damage to them.
I'm so confident, I use Ciara's mystical ability to teleport her to the fire spirit.
There is no point in replacing the sword, so I go for the LP.
Yes. The sound affect for this is adorable.
Mean while, the battle rages.
This is a good splinter blast.
It's clean up now.
It's over quickly.
Victory is ours.
The armour we find is a downgrade, so I scrap it.
Great, now we're fighting the furniture!
We secure the site.
And secure Lark some new kit.
We continue to explore.
And Lark finally gets herself a story beat!
She meets a man with amazing hair.
Who immediately tries to sell her …. tails no less.
Okay, I'm fairly sure this guy is some sort of god/powerful magic user.
Methink's he doest protest to much.
Some more of the story comes out.
Do we give up the coin, or purchase a fine tail..... Look, this is a weird magical guy in debt to the faye, these tails have no obvious attachment points. There is a good chance this is another transformation. This LP is getting insane!

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