As we await their arrival, the enemy get stronger.
But soon it is time to hold the line.
In of course choose to charge into the fight – this is me after all. At least time we have level 3 defences to hold the line.
Off you go, you epic looking bastards.
The enemies are numerous, and will keep on coming for some time.
A discus from Lark meets the enemy.
The villagers hold the line.
Rath annihilates another enemy with a single bolt of lightning.
More villagers await with arrows.
They take down the Thrusk.
Yvilde finishes off the seeker.
A bard comes from the fog of war and rains magic on the villagers.
Our line comes under sustained magical attack, but the damage is low.
Then this bugger straight up teleports into our line.
Anmos leaps to defend against this sudden foe!
It strikes back, but his armour takes the blow.
Another wave of foul beasts enter the fray.
The villagers do their best to protect their home.
Yvilde continue to snipe.
Another well timed flight of arrows downs two more enemy.
Ciara and Rath are covering the flanks.
Their magic is failing them.
The last wave enters the field.
They arrive in time to see the battle turn into a rout.
The Griffons can easily deal with the remaining foes.
They move like a well oiled machine.
And take their foes best shots.
In the end, only the Griffons remain.
The enemy have learned from their losses though.
Rath gets a rather basic strap with a overblown name.
Then it's back to scouting – finding and clearing a Libary.
Yvilde is such a nice person, isn't she.
Another omen? Can you guys go one month without being fated for something?
Well, you did train with the worlds most confusing monks.
And here come the omen! But what do we think it means?
And before I forget, here are the bonuses that Yvilde's magnificent wings give her.
And here is Anmos's rat tail. I have to wonder what Ciara thinks about these transformations.....

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