Our heroes advance on the ominously named Villainkins Forge, though it should be said everything around here is ominously named.
They advance on the forge – the Morgathi are already here.
Gotta get those puns in.
Yeah, I'm not splitting the party.
You say that to the man who just lost a leg – though as you can see in this image, he has in fact just grown himself a new lightning one!
We step into battle – a wide range of foes opposes us.
The weldling is waiting for us. Yvlide moves up.
And puts some hurt into it.
Rath finishes it off by exploding some terrain.
I guess we just go up and knock?
As we ready up on the door, a Spectik races out of the darkness towards the party.
Anmos leaps forwards to deal with it. It has no actions so he finishes it off in his turn.
Yvilde stealths up.
We kick the door open.
Inside we see our old friend the fleeing skeleton monster fighting with his kin alongside a blacksmith.
That's a rude way of saying “Help! I'm messing with things (wo)man was not supposed to know! Save me!”
There are more foes to fight either way.
Rath opens up with some magic.
Annihilating the Watchman in a single hit.
Yvilde gets us the lay of the land.
Fawn races towards the party.
The weldling moves forward – Anmos damages it.
But it still uses its flame-belch!
The pair of warriors dodge the flames – though Ciara takes some damage from standing in the flames at the start of the turn.
Fawn finishes off the Weldling.
We can't advance without taking damage, so Anmos beats out the fire – preventing Ciara from taking any more damage.
She then deals with the Spectik.
Outside, Rath uses the environment to try and halt the Batchby that comes at him.
A Sommalier comes around the side of the house.
And a watchman from the other side.
Yvilde puts some hurts on the Batchby.
Rath falls just short of finishing him off.
The oncoming creatures link up and hit Ciara.
On the other flank Anmos takes a hit.
Ciara thankfully dodges the Batchby's attack.
It doesn't dodge hers.
Rath gets to use his lightning powers for the first time.
Yvilde hits cover.
Anmos fights his personal fight.
While Fawn moves forwards to protect Ciara, blocking a hit.
Anmos takes a hit.
Then finishes off his foe.
Down goes the watchman.
And victory is ours, along with a level for Rath.
I of course improve his lightning powers.
The loot is some hunter armour, so Yvilde gets a nice boost.
Something about this story doesn't add up.
So someone who is interested in life extension was hanging around with an undead robot? This is in no way connect at all.
And with that we come to the end of Chapter one! We did well, and ten years of peace follow.
The enemies weaken.
Anmos spends his time at home hunting while simultaneously adventuring.
Apparently Ciara is not from around here.
Then the transformations continue – I did think about asking for a vote, but there is no way you lot are not voting to push this as far as we can go! Anmos gets a plant arm. Nothing is recorded what Ciara thinks about this.
Meanwhile Rath gets more power-full.
He's got a nice arsenal of powers now.
We now have the option to forge gear for our heroes – there are to many options to list, but we can get better weapons for everyone.
If we are short anything, legacy points can be used to supplement our crafting.
We can also improve our armour. You'll also notice everyone is now looking a bit older.

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