Our heroes begin to carve a path through to the Morgathai stronghold.
But they are interrupted by an incursion – incursions are monster attacks, they start on a countdown, which is pushed up every time you win a fight – I've done pretty well in keeping on top of this, but cutting through a mountain takes to much time!
Apparently THEY have no problem moving into Olive Quarry, but I can't. The party rushes to defend the quarry.
We reach the village in time – I decide we shall set an ambush.
We are successful.
We start hidden and gain bonuses for flanking.
The party is scattered across the village, Yvilde damages a Spectik.
The villagers are helping us – this guy is up close and personal.
So I retreat him and get some hits in.
Ciara moves to protect Yvilde.
Rath is up to his old tricks, using two bits of scenery to do great damage to a Batchby.
The Spectik advances, and gets murdered by someone it never knew was there.
Anmos is also in ambush, and defeats an advancing Weldling.
The heavily wounded Batchby misses Rath.
Anmos takes some damage from ranged attacks.
One of the villagers takes out the Batchby.
While Anmos moves up and gets some revenge!
Flinn the villager moves up to support him, but is heavily wounded by the Watchman.
Then brutally murdered by the Sommelier!
Another Watchman enters the fray.
Having spent the last few turns running from the other end of the village, Yvilde is here in time to avenge Flinn's death!
While Chasynne is holding the south on her own.
And to make matters worse, the new Watchman is behind her!
Anmos clears the one in the north.
Rath rushes recklessly to protect Chasynne.
But is taken down when the Watchman charges him.
As it's the first time he's been reduced to 0HP, I can choose to have him maimed rather than dieing. I choose this. He looses a leg but crawls off to safety.
Honestly, there's a good chance you'll grow a lightning leg instead.
With Rath down, Chasynee takes the brunt of the Mortaghi attacks.
The last monster arrives in the shape of a Weldling.
Down goes the Watchman.
The Sommelier attacks the group, but it's acid is dodged.
We've not been able to deal with the Weldling, and it comes in with it's area attack.
Chasynee goes down, Bradaru is near death. The village burns.
Yvilde deals with the Sommelier.
The warriors try to deal with the Weldling, but it dodges one blow and tanks most of the second. It once more belches fire.
The last villager falls, And Yvilde is wounded. Ciara is able to dispatch the beast, but it feels to late for the citizens of Olive Quarry....
A hard earned victory, and some level ups.
For Yvilde, I grab foxflight.
Ciara gets Paladin.
Both are better off than Rat
As our heroes heal, I block more damage from Watchmen.
we then complete work on the pass. Only one battle remains of this chapter.

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