The party make the decision to look at the strider, but then most of the party is distracted!
The others in the party are frozen by magic, and only Anmos sees the thing emerge from the forests around them.
It calls to him, the bravest of the group, and transforms him, wooden antlers sprout from his head. Then it is gone, like it was never there.
Yeah, I'm not sure that was the brightest move Anmos.
This is another transformation. For now he heals quicker, but this will spread as he ages - as will Rath's electrical bits.
the monsters charge forward, missing their shots, Yvilde doesn't.
Rath infuses with the terrain and lays down some traps, which they helpfully walk into.
This changes the tempo, and the warriors charge in.
Rath then makes rocks explode.
We then push up and destroy them.
Another bloodless victory. Well, bloodless for us. There is plenty of Drauven blood around.
Rath gets a fancy belt.
After the battle, Yvilde finds something of interest.
Yeah Rath. She's talking about the body, not the massive golden shield.
Well, she seems to have rotten well! I'll be here all week, try the veil.
As nonplussed as the others seem, we have claimed a rather good shield – Ciara gets it as Amnos's hands are full. Bonus damage and reduced hits are both good!
The Drauven get more powerful.
We claim the Quarry.
And get Amnos a nice pair of pauldrons. He's turning into some sort of battle druid at the moment.
We head off to explore Doomoth – who is naming these places, there is doom everywhere!
I use half our legacy points to keep the Morgathai down.
Entering Doomoth, Anmos runs into a unexpected face.
Anmos takes run into his actual doppelgänger very well.
So, talk, run or fight? How do we deal with this strange copy. And will we ever know which one is the real one? Does it even matter?

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