Our first order of business is to hire up a new blade.
The problem with recruiting from your home town is everyone knows you, and has some previous opinions. Anmos's slacker past is catching up with him. There is something of a longing stare there at the start.
This woman doesn't take much convincing. Half the town burning down may have something to do with that.
Ciara joins us as a warrior.
Here are her stats. She is a cowardly peacemaker – maybe hiring the first person who looks at you isn't the best idea guys.
One training montage later, she gains the Shieldshear skill to help deal with that armour.
The next job is to take the party out to explore – we enter the Mistcliffs, and discover the Brokenmure Earthworks. And with it, a fight!
Looks like we have a missing person report.
Someone looks very proud of the information they have.
Monsters near some sort of ancient alter? How could this go wrong?
Here we get to choose some tactics – we can't just leave this woman on her own, so we charge in to save her.
We have the same enemies.
We start next a spirit – if you can get next to it before it runs, you get a reward. This one runs into a dead end, so is trivial to pick up.
We of course take the magic weapon!
“If I pick it up, I could hit people with it”
Armour shredding and pinning. Along with a boost to melee accuracy and block - nice.
I gets a better name though.
Oh yeah, there are enemies here as well.
Yvilde starts by getting one hit in.
We form a line – the blue things under us is a defensive boost you get for standing next to each other. The two warriors go into defensive mode.
Now for Rath – Magic is Wildermyth is a bit different, you have to interfuse with the terrain to us it – this then gives you an ability depending on what you choose.
This one gives me a nice area of effect weapon.
Fire for effect!
So much for their armour. Good job Rath.
Down goes the Sommelier.
Rath's not done yet, as time to hit with a discus – this does minimal damage however.
I stay on the defensive.
The Spectik moves forwards, and Anmos leaps forward to destroy it.
This leaves him open to a counter attack, with a bit of damage.
A this point however, the battle is a done deal.
Victory, and the experience that comes with it, is ours.
And with it the loot – this is a weird one, it's not great, so I give it to Rath as it improves his spell damage – the loss of Melee accuracy made me not want to put it on my melee guys.
We find Maria, but Yvilde makes things sound threatening.
Yep, it's a place of power – I'll of course leave it up to you guys if we use it or not, but I think I know the answer – it's more who we use it on.
Of course we want it!
Yeah, you lot need to have a conversation.
Yeah, you lot need to have a conversation.
After the battle we secure the site – more items is good at this stage.
Our first resources. Not enough to build anything, but it's a start!
Yvilde claims the Pauldrons of Power for some bonus damage.
We are off to explore the foothills known as Doomdown. This is in no way ominous.
We find some infested waterworks, and patrol them first to remove this infestation.
While this is happening, the enemies advance. I use the two legacy points we got from the last battle to block the addition of two new forms of Morthagi, but the other traces grow stronger.
It's not looking to bad right now, but this will grow over time!
With the infestation cleared, we move to defeat the enemies. Though Yvilde disagrees with the pre mission beer run.
Yeah, as I teetotaller myself, I feel this mood.
Rath stays behind, and asks her how she is.
Ahh, the traditional heroes in the dark corner motif.
Same old here.
We stand before a closed gate.
We stack up and bring some fire in ready to attack.
Yvilde kicks in the door and puts an arrow into the Sommelier on the other side.
Anmos finished off the Sommelier.
With support, he dodges the enemy attacks.
An arrow.....
…. Followed by a hit damages one Spectik.
Ciara finishes it off, while Rath moves the fire to burn the last one to ashes.
Without any damage as well!
Apparently we missed something important last night.
Amnos, as our worst dodger and front line tank gets this bit of loot.
A new threat rises.
And the site is secured.
Ciara gets the loot this time.
This update ended up much longer than I planned, but we are starting to explore the wilderness.

Next Update