As you can see from the left of this picture the allies are at the gates of Leipzig.
As you can see from the left of this picture the allies are at the gates of Leipzig.
We see a few retreats.
But at least their attacks are getting fewer.
They have reinforced their lines in front of Berlin.
I find places to grind forward however.
Another unit shatters.
Keep the pressure up. That's the plan.
I'm getting closer.
That's a panzer divisions with no tanks.
And that's another reduced by half.
They are finally weakening.
I close in on Dresden.
I continue to grind down their tanks.
There is no security.
I continue to push in Austria.
Ground is made here as well.
The Allies are advancing rapidly.
The Germans launch their sporadic counter attacks.
My forces advance once more.
We are right at the gates of Berlin.
German units are collapsing.
Going is slow but steady now.
Another unit shatters.
Dresden is an open city, only fifty kilometres separate the two mighty allied armies.
We swarm forwards.
They enemy rout before us.
Then advance continues in the south.
Losses are decidedly once sided now.
The end is finally in sight.

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