The Germans make some counter attacks.
We see a few units retreat.
Mostly we hold them.
Their tanks come to push us back at Vienna.
Here we lose some tanks.
I take a few more steps forward.
In the north I find enough gaps to surge forwards.
The bulk of the line is still putting up fierce resistance.
We are able to get a few more troops over the Oder.
I need to fully breach this last natural defence.
At least we're moving!
Their weaker to the south of the city.
Here we shatter a unit.
We are closing in on Dresden.
I find time to hit their tanks.
I continue my advance on Vienna.
I move to surround the city.
And I do so.
The Germans take offence to my northern adventure.
They move troops to push us back.
My forces retreat.
Let's see how this weakens their line.
I push back.
My men are moving forwards.
Time to move on Berlin.
I open a decent sized hold in their line.
This is where they weakened their lines.
I open space to move forwards, but run out of time to properly exploit the gap. Curses!
I keep the pressure up near Prague.
Keep those panzers down.
To my surprise, Vienna surrenders almost without a fight.
German losses spike.
Somehow they still have guns.
And men to fire them.
The number of men on the front has not changed much.
Gun's haven't changed much either.
The same with tanks – how is this possible?
That's another capital added to the list.

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