The mud is gone, and the Germans get more active.
They concentrate on forcing back my lead elements.
Both the advances and Dresden and Berlin see attacks.
These are our heaviest casualties.
At least their tank assaults are down to the hundreds!
We're slowly making a dent in their numbers!
We lose some ground, but losses are not to bad.
Oh look, another mass retreat.
I advance into the gap. There is no rime for attacks, but as you can see, my combat values have recovered now that the mud has gone.
Another named division is forced to retreat.
I go after the tanks of course.
I go after the tanks of course.
I go after the tanks of course.
The number of enemy units routing is increasing.
Here a Panzer unit is left without tanks.
Here I take out half of their tanks.
This is a really good number of kills.
Our men in Austria continue to advance.
Losses are more even this week.
But we are taking good amounts of ground.

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