Oh, that's one way to start the week!
We hold the line near Poznan.
But other points of the fronts are hit hard.
They mount more of an attack near Breslau.
My push on Prague is rebuked.
I hold here.
And here – and thankfully, there are less attacks this week.
I make some moves in the north.
Poznan is not counting as isolated – they must be supplying it from the air.
I hit the weak spots down the line.
For some reason the Germans have pulled back around Budapest.
Losses are about normal.
The Germans reconnect Budapest.
And Poznan. Curses.
They then start smacking me up down the line.
The area around Poznan sees several attacks.
We are able to hold in some places.
Here however we take heavy losses!
They push north of the city as well.
So many letters being sent home.
I continue the slow advance in the north.
We are making ground however.
Time to keep on hitting the weak spots!
I surround Poznan again.
We back and forth over the same ground.
There is at least movement all down the line.
The German line near Prague is looking ropey.
I wonder if I can force them to move reinforcements down here?
North of Budapest sees move movement as well.
The supply lines to the city are looking long and tenuous now.
It continues to be 2:1 losses.
The pattern of probe and counter attack continues as well.

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