The Germans reconnect with their trapped troops near Breslau.
They also connect with Poznan for the fifth time.
This is a counter offensive, as they move to secure the cities supply lines.
My battered troops give way.
The city is looking secure once more.
How do they still have so many tanks?
We see the Totenkopf down here.
And spoiler attacks up here.
My men are in desperate need of a rest.
I decide I'm not going to be able to hold this encirclement, so I take the sure kill. The snow is coming, but I mostly hold my ground.
Here they come again.
There seems to be no end to the German hordes!
My men continue to take heavy losses where ever the Germans attack.
Their offensive near Poznan continues.
In fact, their beating my up along the whole front.
How am I supposed to build up forces to attack when I take 50k losses from German attacks every week?
Almost desultory, their last act is to reconnect these guys.
These count as light losses at the moment!
I try and surround Poznan, but I can't shift these troops to the south.
I do get a rout here.
But mostly my troops are to weak and the Germans to well dug in. I call a halt to operations to give my units time to replenish.
I can only hope the coming of the snow will improve my chances of shattering the German line and reaching Berlin.

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