The mud is here in earnest.
Of course it's German mud, not Soviet mud, so its more of an annoyance than anything else.
We see scattered German attacks across the line.
Their aim is to push back all the little infiltrations I have made.
This is not to say we are not taking losses.
This is the area were we take the heaviest single losses.
They do expand their supply lines to Poznan.
It really was lots of small attacks that were not worth taking images of.
At least the western front is picking up speed.
There is a massive weak spot in their line.
Advance men!
I push whatever can move through the mud forward.
They are weak to the south of Breslau as well.
Is this because of the mud, the Allied breakthough in France or both?
I don't care, I'm moving forwards!
I push here as well. I actually lack the troops to properly exploit this.
I punch all down the line however.
Poznan is now deeply surrounded – do the Germans throw everything into a counter attack, or finally give up on holding the city?

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