The attacks along the northern flank continue.
The panzers keep up their attacks.
I'd like to see more tanks exploding.
They make some good advances.
They are also pushing on the south of the bulge. Could this be the start of a plan to encircle my troops?
Losses are heavier on this flank.
I need to find some way of reducing their tank numbers.
This is another concerted drive.
And losses are continually high enough to stop me building up forces for my own offensive.
They have tanks in Hungary as well, and we take some losses down here.
It's time to hit the line.
I'm probing for wherever I can break through.
Most of their lines are to well dug in.
I keep looking though.
I do get some successes here and there.
The Hungarians are the weak spot.
As is this security division to the south.
I go for the encirclement.
Ahh, the classic one hex short.
I manage to get one of the panzer units to surrender.
Come on, get me a breakthrough!

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