The Panzers are back in action.
We see them strike in a lot of places.
This is defiantly the most brutal stage of the war.
Their losses are higher than they have been.
But my men are still taking the brunt of it.
I kinda need D-Day to happen.
Because I'm not sure I can keep taking losses like this and still maintain forward momentum.
I'm not sure how many tanks I have left.
At least their tanks take some losses.
Yeah, this is brutal.
I begin my attacks – of course targetting their panzers as much as possible.
The Hungarians rout in front of me.
I hit some Panzergrenadiers.
There will be no stunning advances, but I can still hit them.
That's another 60 tanks done for.
Keep pushing forwards.
That's all I can do.
Neither of us are digging in here.
I'm able to push the offensive south a bit.
I do like taking out tanks.
There has been no real change in numbers for months.
I have so many more guns.
I'm staying stable with tanks, but I'm well down on my peak numbers.
At least my airframes are increasing in numbers.
We're still in a bloody, grinding, stalemate.

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