As expected, they reconnect Poznan.
Tank losses are high.
Thankfully it's a limited offensive.
The city is secure, but there is no real forward push.
In Hungary we see them straighten the line.
My tanks!
The Americans are working on something big.
The offensive continues.
It looks like their counter offensives are depleting them.
Because, even with the mud, there are a lot more areas we can attack.
Murdering the SS is always a good idea.
The weak spots are all down their line.
Another SS unit is defeated.
There are lots of weak spots down here.
My tanks push forwards towards Krakow.
They have air supplied these units, and despite massed attacks, I cannot force them to surrender – this week at least!
The Germans are once again forced to go on the offensive to rescue Poznan.
The of course succeed.
Losses are much higher.
They have brought up some powerful units for this.
Let's hope this is at the expense of another part of the line.
They also push back the Krakow offensive.
Oof, my tanks.
I'm not sure how I'm convincing people to get into tanks these days.
A 1:1 unit on the front? You guys are in trouble.
The fighting around Poznan continues.
Their line is looking weaker – those panzer units are behind the lines resting.
We keep hitting them.
I force them back anywhere they are weak.
There are no rapid advances, but at least the stalemate is broken.
The number of weak spots is increasing.
A general advance is still an advance.
These guys retreat.
But the surrender still eludes me.
I just need one good breakthrough!

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