The Germans hold.
The mud is gone, lets start trying to crack this line.
We have a lot of forts to break first.
We have a lot of forts to break first.
The difference in the length of the supply lines can really be seen here – The Germans are strong in most places.
I'm able to fins the odd chink in their armour however.
In a lot of places, my troops just bounce off.
I make something of an advance here.
The leading edge is causing some serious issues.
This is the closest to a breakthrough I get.
German attacks batter themselves against my line.
I hold for a second time.
And a third!
In fact, they only cause one retreat this turn, and even that is in good order.
You know what, I can take this.
The probing continues.
This is a good hit on some Panzer units.
But most of them are in reserves making my life hard.
Everywhere I strike, they have a load of troops waiting to rush to the front.
I wear them down with wave after wave.
This is going to be heavy going....
Maybe they'll give up more ground?

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