In the places where the mud is not present, the Germans attack.
They are concentrating their attacks near Krakow.
They have massed their tanks here.
They shatter a tanks corps and close the line to the south.
This was so close to a encirclement.
Losses continue to be high.
At least they had to burn a few tanks to do that.
The mud has properly set in now.
I end up one hex short of reconnecting my troops.
I still attack where I can.
Mostly my troops get a rest turn.
The mud doesn't seem to be slowing the German attacks.
They clean up the tank units behind their lines.
There are a few places not mudded out.
Here they still have their tanks.
The tank units are still taking the brunt of this.
This is a shame, I wanted to build them up.
There goes a cav unit as well.
Those are some one sided losses.
My attacks are limited to this small strip of good land.
I do good damage to this tank unit.
But mostly my forces are building up for the next offensive. I still think that the tanks were worthwhile, as we have ripped up a good amount of rail line in Poland. My troops are still massed near Poznan.

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