Information on the Bashura Dynasty, its key operatives, holdings, allies and enemies. All following information contains minor spoilers in regards to overall plot direction.

May the Emperor Protect.

The Bashura Dynasty.

A once proud Rogue Trader family, the Bashuras suffered centuries of decline at the hands of poor leaders and outside forces. Finally reduced to a small profit stream and a single noteworthy ship, the new holder of the Warrant of Trade, Essh Bashura decided to risk his family’s entire future on a big gamble – the exploration of the Koronus Expanse.

Hoping to escape the forces of the Zurzen Dynasty, currently lead by the brilliant (if arrogant) Kaltos Zurzen, Essh Collected the finest men left to him and sets course for the Expanse.

Crew of the Omnisiah’s Sheild

Essh Bashura

Essh, Upon receiving the Warrent of Trade from his dying father, realized that they had no chance of surviving in the Imperium, Zurzen and his allies were too strong there, and were crushing their trade routes. The Expanse was the risk the Bashura’s needed to take.

A relatively young man, Essh was noted for his decadence, and his love of alcohol, in fact, it soon became custom aboard the Omnisiah’s Sheld to take a drink of Amsec before entering the warp.

Upon arriving in the expanse, Essh founded a trade agreement shipping Green skinned aliens to the pleasure world of Solice Encarmine, where the ship spent a lot of its early time in the Expanse. He also was responsible for the Foundation of the colony of Belka, and the rescuing of the Dreadnaught-Governour Malcarius from his prison-tomb.

He soon found that plying the warp got in the way of his extracurricular activities, and after a couple of years (realtime) he decided to retire from life as leader of the Bashura Dynisty and take up Governorship of Belka, where he spends his time drinking, whoring and seeing to the colony and the construction of the new Bashura Palace.

Praise-Be-The-Emperor-For-He-Is-Mighty Basura – AKA Little Bash or Bash.

With the Abdication of his father, the Crew of the Omnisiah’s Shield were left with a problem, they needed a leader. Fortunately for them, Essh’s lifestyle had produced an Heir.

P.B.T.E.F.H.I.M Bashura (Referred to by his affection nickname, Bash from here on out) had been left on Belka with his mother and the Preist who had been left in charge. This lead to a sheltered and isolated upbringing for the young Bash. Thanks to the strangeness of warp travel, he was now nine years old.

After the breakout and incident with the Macrocannon shell, Bash took up leadership of the Dynasty, and lead them on to expand the fleet with great personal bravery – his first kill was a Ogryn in personal combat, and in the numerous ship to ship boarding actions, his inspiring leadership lead the crew to victory.

Bash is a Xenophile, always interested in the aliens they meet, but at his pious heart he knows that if they are not of use to him, they must be cleansed. Always curious, he leads from the front, and always knows when to let his people blow the place up in the name of the God-Emperor.


The Senishall of the Bashura dynasty can only be described as a man of many talents, although he is the spymaster, and has a habit of blinding his foes with lightning quick knife blow to the eyes, he is a joker at heart, always ready with a pun or a song to try and lift the spirits of those around him. This often goes down poorly, and has lead to him being shot on more than one occasion.

In a fight, he prefers to close with his enemy than engage them at range, and has been instrumental in managing the purse strings of the Dynasty to help them acquire the huge amounts of caffeine and alcohol they need to get through the day. as well as the occasional large item.

Mecharius Gent

Mecharius is a member of the Adeptus-Mechanicus and holds the rank of Explorator. His job is to search the Expanse for new technologies and the ever elusive STC’s. What he actually does is spend most of his time tinkering with the Omnisiah’s shield’s crew and equipment.

A rather dour person, Mecharius is often the butt of Trust’s Jokes, due to his machine like qualities. He is massible durable thanks to his power armour and mechanical implants. He often walks into the heart of battle with his hellgun blasing, armour absorbing most of what is thrown at him.

In space, his knowledge of the Shields working allows the crew to outmaneuver ships far bigger than theirs and run rings around numerically superior enemies. Some of the things he can do are often near magical to the lower crew, who live in fear of him calling them in for upgrades. The failures of these medical experiments are often seen amongst the ranks of the Murder Servitors that form the front ranks of the Shields ship to ship assault forces.

Aubrey “Arb” Malix

Aubrey is the Arch-Militant of the crew and Bash’s Bodyguard. He spends most of his time in a full suit of armour and carrying two deadly weapons, a Hellgun and a Boltgun that can make a mess of most enemies.

With his direct attitude to violence, it should be noted that Aubrey is not a psychopath, he just believes in putting his enemies down with severe prejudice. His warning shots have often left the target well warned, and adorning the surrounding scenery. He may not forego an opportunity to shoot Trust however.

He has a love of things that explode, which may come from his troubled past where he blew up the Adeptus-Ministerium ship he was being transported on. He now lives in fear of the Ecclesiarchy finding him and taking him to task for this transgression.

Cole Gath

Orv is the ill-tempered Void Master. Most of the few words out of his mouth tend to run along the lines of “I’ll kill you all.” The only reason he has not gone on a killing spree seems to be a combination of it being too much effort and the large amount of Amsec on board that help him to forget most things Trust has said.

In his hands, the Omnissiah’s Shield is a formidable beast, and survived a planetary landing in a sandstorm with only minor damage and a few hundred casualties. He is also adept at handling the ships guns and his own personal weapons.

Sinxia Anihilus

As the Guild sanctioned Navigator, Sin’s job is to pilot the Shield through the nightmarish dimension known as the warp. Her third eye allows her to see the astronomicon, the guiding light of the Emperor, and plot a safe course.

Afflicted by the mutations of her caste, when she Joined the dynasty she looked like a young woman, but the hard journeys into unknown space quickly took their tolls on her, and she now looks like a wizened hag, with large folds of skin hanging from her. She is also convinced that the shield is being followed by a warp storm, as they seem to run into this phenomenon far more regularly than they should.

In combat she blasts her foes with fire from her third eye, burning them up from the inside. she mainly hangs back from the fight however, not being as combat capable as some members of the crew.


The Astropath Ascendant who accompanies the Bashura Dynasty can be described as an odd one at best. Unlike most Astropaths, who spend most of their time trying to avoid contact with the warp, Sebastian seems to have a thirst for the unknown. He is always looking for new ways to expand his circle of friends.

Apart from receiving and sending messages across the vastness of space, Sebastian is also well trained in the use of his psychic powers to affect the enemy. He is able to rip information from peoples minds, terrify them and even reprogram them to be more suitable to his and his Captains needs.

These powers don’t come without cost, and Sebastian can be incautious in their use. Sometimes the thrill of using his Emperor-given skills overcomes him, and the effects are not what he would wish. The rest of the crew tend to keep some distance from this unstable Pysker.

Recently, Sebastian has become more and more reclusive, spending more time amongst his choir and less time available for use by Bash. At this time he has not been seen outside of the Astropathic Chapel for months, although this seems to suit the rest of the crew.


The newest addition to the command crew, Trosk is a Kroot. These mercenary aliens are part of a hundred strong group that was rescued from Stryxis slavers. They have been the main fighting force for the Bashuran Dynisty since the fall of the Honour Guard during a raid.

Trosk is the appointed leader of these Kroot, and as a Shaper, he has been given the task of guiding his people in both war and their genetic destiny. Worried that they had not been given enough opportunity to feast on fresh DNA, so Trosk stepped up to take a more active role.

Armed with a Thunderhammer and the Kroots innate close combat skills, he leads from the front, closing the distance to his enemy and removing the advantage they have with their long range weaponry. He relies on his own natural ability to avoid damage, dodging lasfire and sword thrusts with equal ease.

Ships of the Bashuran Dynasty.

The Omnissiah’s Shield

The Shield is the prized ship of the Dynasty. This relic of Mars is an ancient vessel built in the early days of the imperium, and carries upon it a piece of ancient archeotech. The Teleportarium is the keystone of the crews tactics, it allows them to teleport their murder servitors over to enemy vessels, crippling their key systems and allowing the guns of the ship to take out the enemy.

Finally, the Shield and its crew are well trained in the art of ship to ship combat, and make light work of their boarding actions. Bashuran doctrine has a larger than normal number of Armsmen, giving them the advantage in this type of engagement.

The Fateful Journey

The second ship added to the Dynasties collection, the Journey was bought cheaply due to the fact that all its crew had mysteriously died during a warp jump.

Instead of looking into this, the Command crew just put motivational posters over the strange messages written in blood and re-crewed the ship.

the Journey spends most of its time moving goods and people between Footfall and the colony of Belka.

The solution to this.

The Shadow of Cicero

The Shadow was formerly the Shadow of Telfus, before being captured in hand to hand combat. taken as a prize it was the third ship added to the Bashuran fleet. The light destroyer has proven much more capable in their hands, and is the rapid response and flanker to the Shield. its lance is used to cripple ships so that the Shield can close in and board them.

Deus Cicero

Originally the Dues Mechanicus, this Adeptus Mechanicus vessel was sent to take the Shield from the Bashuran Dynisty. unfortunately for the crew, their masters plan was to board a ship that excels in close in actions.

Now it it functions as the brawler for the Dynasty. It’s massed macrocannons allow it to pummel ships while slowly closing on them.

Places in the Expanse


Belka is the colony founded by Essh and the crew early in their time in the expanse. While the plan is to turn it into a forge world, it is currently noted for exporting as much prized Snozzberry Schnaps as it does lascannons.

the manufactorum was retrieved from black market gun runners and the colony is protected by a regiment of house troops.

Belka is currently undergoing a lull after a few problems stemming from when the colony was founded using people freed from a slaveship. These have been rectified now, and it is hoped that the colony will begin to grow rapidly now.

Terra Nova

This lost world was brought into the fold when the crew recovered its first emperor from his so-called tomb. encased in a Dreadnaught, now Governour Malcarius took command from his inept descendant and now rules the planet.

Recently, Forces from Letria have invaded the world.

Solice Encarmine

This pleasure world was the first place the newly arrived crew visited in the expanse. after shipping in some green skinned aliens to provide cheap and exotic staff, they made the numerous appigeligos of the planet a prime importer of their Snozzberry schnaps.

The Letrion Cluster

This is a series of closely packed systems that, although they had lost contact with the rest of the galaxy, still had functional ship and even a mothballed grand cruiser in their shipyards.

They had a large fleet of a battlecruiser, two light cruisers, at least two squadrons of escort vessels and several transports. These were quickly brought up to readiness and

added to the Zurzen Fleet.

It seems that the cluster has a large number of Psykers, but a scan of Zurzen shows that he is unaware of this fact. The Queen of Letria herself is an unsanctioned pysker, a fact that Zurzen is most definitely not aware of.

With the well population technological worlds, The Letrion cluster is rising power in the expanse, at the hands of someone who wants the crew dead.

Enemies and Allies

Kaltos Zurzen

Both vain and brilliant, The current leader of the Zurzen Dysnasty is set on being the one who finally wipes the Bashuras out once and for all. since following them to expanse, he has made contact with the Letrion Cluster, Added to Zurzens own forces via a marriage to the Queen of the cluster, he is now using the fresh ships to wage open war on Bash and his crew.

Governour Malcharius

The Dreadnaught leader of Terra-Nova, Malcarius was imprisoned by his son thousands of years ago when it became clear that be had no intention of dying. Trapped in a maintenance cycle, Malcarius kept himself sane by haunting his family through a series of forgotten holo projectors before being freed by the crew.

He now rules the planet once more and supplies people to Lucians Breath as part of a deal with the governour there.

Captain Vertigus

A Rogue Trader who crashed on an Ork world, Vertigus was unfortunate enough to be experimented on by a Mad Doc, and now has a human brain in an Ork body. This has meant that he has to keep away from the Imperium at the edges of space, where he wages war upon the Ork.

Alsassy Vanya.

Little is known about this Rogue trader other than she has a Dauntless class light cruiser and she deals in weapons.

Its assumed that because the crew reprogrammed her pet warden and stole her las gun factory, she is not in the best of moods with them.

Space and its surroundings.

Here are the current maps of the Expanse, both that of the Geopolitical makeup and the warp passages known to the crew.