Here comes the counter attack!
Once again, this is going to be brutal.
We hold here, causing some nice losses, but this is going to be the minority.
Losses are going to be high.
Their armoured units hit me down the line.
They really hammer down on the lead elements.
The whole area is forced back.
They are playing with tanks once again.
This is going to take some repairing.
The mechanized forces are cut off now.
They make a bit of ground near Warsaw as well.
Owch, the thousand tanks hurts as much a the hundred thousand men.
These guys may be trapped, but they can cut the German supply lines to ribbons.
We don't have many places we can attack.
There is still a gap I need to push into on the south – they have a strong armoured unit to the north, but we're making good ground.
We push forwards in northern Hungary as well.
So the Germans have the choice of letting my armoured units rip up their supply lines, diverting troops to hunt them down, or performing a general retreat. They are probability going to continue to punch me in the face.

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