The offensives start in the south.
This is an infantry corps retreating, leaving behind most of its troops.
They push deep into my lines.
They also hit near Transylvania.
They go on the offensive near Warsaw as well – but once again, they are paying for this in tanks.
Lots of tanks.
I wonder how much longer they can trade tanks for minor gains?
They push in from the north as well.
This could hinder my push.
At least we make them pay in places.
Losses continue to mount – and will do until I get the supply lines sorted!
Macedonia flips. The red tide continues!
The Germans need more men to shore up Finland.
I shore up the advance – but I do get a major rail line in and some depots, so hopefully supplies will start to sort themselves.
There is very little I can attack, but I get a good hit in here.
They give more ground in the Balkans.
My kingdom for supplies!

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