Our northernmost unit surrenders.
With short supply lines, the Germans are able to counter attack hard.
They reconnect with that trapped unit.
A hammer blow here costs me over sixteen thousand soldiers.
Though it should be said we are holding in a lot of places – the Germans are attacking the entire line, and getting rebuffed in as many places as they are winning.
And some of their assaults are costly on both sides.
The northern push is completely eliminated.
And the main offensive surrounded.
Fighting continues in the south.
The Balkans are mainly sporadic though.
Okay, though I lost a lot of men, it was really costly to the Germans in tanks – those are hard to replace, and they lost them at nearly three to one to get these advances.
They still have troops stacked up in France.
I knock these guys around a bit.
Mostly I'm moving men into the breach.
They have a lot of Panzer in reserve to shore up their weak lines.
So most of the front is too weak to advance.
In the far south, they have performed another general withdrawal.
The green squares are the ten new corps steaming towards the front. I don't see Berlin by Christmas, but next year will be interesting!

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