The Germans counter attack near Warsaw.
Combined attacks push my men back.
These are mostly my lighter advance forces.
But it's a fairly condensed push.
Causing me a fair number of casualties.
My forces in Romania also come under attack.
The Germans have moved armoured and mechanized forces down here .
Oof, That's a one sided set of losses.
At least Sicily has been conquered.
I do find a nice weak spot in the north.
Even with overwhelming force, I'm not able to break the line here.
Here they leave enough room for a cavalry unit to get behind their lines and overrun a few depots. I'm unable to get my supply starved troops to attack much more than this
Mostly I'm moving weakend units back and stronger units to the front lines. We will need to dig in while we rebuild our supplies – most units are in the 15-25% range.
I spend a fair chunk of time satanizing my commands – the rapid advance has left everyone mixed up, so I start working on getting everyone at least in range of a HQ unit.

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