The Rocket brigade is routed – my camera breaks, so I cannot capture it in all its glory.
They also push back this unit.
They cut this guy off.
But they have bigger problems – Romania has surrendered and joined the glorious communist revolution!
They have retreated!
This is good.
And this is good!
This has lowered my casualties by a good amount!
They have massed their tanks in Prussia – I won't be advancing here any time soon!
It's okay, I have plenty of other advances to make. They are retreating faster than I can advance, and this is going to destroy my supply system for a while until I can repair the rail lines.
I clean these guys up.
The retreat is across the front, I advance, trapping the occasinal unit that is to slow on the retreat.
The armour massed near Kursk has it's time to shine!
I manage to make an entire Panzer division surrender!
The arrival of our Romanian brothers has made this southern front a mess. The Germans are going to be scrabbling to make some form of a front line here!
There are some weird things going on with manpower.
Just a reminder, I'm supposed to be fighting around Kursk around now....

next update