They counter attack at Minsk – They still have the ability to mass for counter attacks.
The forces near Kiev also see some counter attacks.
We are pushed back of course.
Owch, this is a heavy hit.
They also move in the south.
Our gains are reversed. I need more troops to advance here, but it's a secondary front, so they are on pause.
More troops lost, but not to many so tanks.
They have retreated again.
I expand into the gap. I even get a depot on a major rail line going!
They have pulled back near Minsk.
I of course advance with everything I've got.
The advances near Kiev are slow.
But at least they are happening.
I do find a weak spot to the south.
And we get a breakthrough.
Moving south, I pick on a Panzer unit.
They have retreated in the south, and I'm able to sneak a unit over the border into Romania. This will hopefully cause a surrender – if so, that will be a major coup!
This is a nice looking map.

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