We see scattered attacks in the north. But Konisburg is left alone.
The forces near Kiev are attacked.
Two entire corps are routed.
Strikes are also seen around Minsk.
The main worry is their offensive near Odessa.
This is a major push, with lots of strong units.
They batter their way through my forces.
My artillery divisions come under direct attack!
They reach the very gates of the city.....
That was a brutal and unexpected offensive....
…. Which they promptly retreated from.
So I of course advance.
I push the line back together at Kiev.
I isolate a division.
Rout some Luftwaffe.
Then hit a panzer division. This wreaks most of their remaining tanks.
In the north it's mostly moving up troops still.
Though these guys are on another cheeky jaunt.
There is not much attacking, as the Germans keep retreating enough to stop me bringing the weight of my armies to bare, but that does mean I'm still advancing.

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