Battered though they are, the Germans are not out of this war yet!
Battered though they are, the Germans are not out of this war yet!
The fighting near Smolensk continues.
No real attempt to rescue those trapped troops is made, but they do hit us hard.
Army group south also makes sure we know they are still in the fight.
Though they take more losses.
A fair few more losses.
These are pretty standard losses for the moment, well start of turn losses.
I begin working down the line looking for weak spots.
Some break, but most retreat a bit.
I take more prisoners near Smolensk.
That southern unit is still to far dug in, but this is a nice haul! Snow and fatigue mean these guys are not going to be racing to the front.
I do find a weak spot near Kiev.
It's not going to be a rapid advance, but its a nice hit.
Most of the line has stagnated.
I get one of these guys to surrender, the other is then surrounded for next turn.
I pull 600,000 men from the reserves – but these corps are only at 60% TOE, as we seem to be critically short of guns – hence all these artillery units sitting here with thousands of men, but only a few hundred guns between them!
Another 46k captured.
A stalemate turn, but I need to bring up fresh troops – and all those corps are going to mix things up - I plan on deploying them to Kiev, and see if I can punch through the line a bit there.

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