At this point the game decides I have won, so I have had to alter the save game file to allow me to continue.
In the north, they don't want to be surrounded.
They reopen the supply lines.
Then they push back my lead elements.
In the south, they hit a few units hard.
Sadly, kills have reset.
The sad remains of Army Group north can't even offer a token defence against my advancing armies.
I start my work on Army Group Center – by taking out two panzer divisions!
Then two infantry divisions.
Then a third!
Then, after capturing twenty six thousand men, I make sure I trap a few more.
The milder southern weather is allowing AGS to hold together a bit better.
Unless you happen to be in the Crimea of course!
I work on reducing them down as quickly as possible.
I'm soon left with a single pocket of twenty thousand men.
Then I discover these guys, who will have to wait their turn!
I can now quadruple my Corps. I order 30 new ones, and will set to condensing the divisions!
It's a real shame this is broken from now on.
Let's see what they can throw together to stop me....

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