Yeah, you're not getting out of there.
They once again widen this part, but it's not going to help them.
Though this is annoying – there are a lot of tanks on the outside of the pocket!
They hit me in other weak spots.
It seems there is still some fight in them.
This was never more than a pipe dream encirclement anyway.
They hit the southern advance as well.
Again, more losses than I would have liked.
Not nice losses, but twenty three thousand troops surrendered already.
The advance continues here. Their line is holding, but there is a chance of another little encirclement up there – if they don't flee out of the port.
A gap here sees me surge forward.
I also move to trap more troops.
That'll do. Lets get on to surrounding them.
An entire division surrenders to my forces.
These guys are more resilient, and while some units surrender, it's mainly condensing them.
I still net another twenty thousand prisoners in this area.
Their entire line takes a step backwards.
Here, I surge to the gates of Odessa.
I get these guys to surrender, it's a nice haul.
Here I have to condense them down again. I do get a few more men to surrender.
It's going to take a while to get all those troops to the front line after that, but oh boy is it going to be interesting come spring.
The initutive switched a few turns ago.
They are losing men rapidly.
Things look even worse for their guns.
They are holding steady with tanks, but I'm going up rapidly.

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