They hit a few of the advancing troops here.
They still have no intention of retreating!
They hit me hard.
They continue to keep they base open.
hey open the thinnest part a bit more.
Okay, those are some heavy losses, but 10k have already surrendered.
The Americans are getting in on the bombing of the German homelands.
The troops are finally on the line.
I hit where I can, but most movement is moving up to the front.
I continue the offensive near Smolensk.
I add more units to the dozen or so already cut off.
I doubt the remains have the strength to come after me.
I clean them up.
Another 10k POW's march east.
This part of the line is looking nice and porous.
The Hungarians shatter.
And I push forwards.
In the south, my men forge forwards. Those trapped guys survive two assaults.
But here we have another chunk of AGS to devour. The Crimea is officially saved!
This port surrenders quickly.
Then its one to condensing the pocket.
It's only 30k prisoners, but there are many more to come!
So, I've surrounded parts of all three army groups – do I get to go start on my Death of Stalin Zhukov avatar now?

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