I'm not sure if this was an attempt to rescue the remains of AGS or not..
Most of the action of course occurs in the Smolensk region.
The Germans start by widening the shaft.
Before loosening my grip.
They do a good job.
They also make sure to widen both sides.
Then they reconnect the tip.
I'm taking some heavy losses here
Which increase as they smack weak units down the line.
Overexited, I cause a couple of units to surrender before I grab a screen shot of the casualties.
So many Germans have surrendered to me during their turn, they are already behind in losses! I think this is where all those units have been going, if so, a big difference between WITE I and II.
Anyway, back to work!
I hit them hard.
And with that, Army Group North – or a good chunk of it at least, surrenders.
I push the southern line.
Meanwhile, a few reinforcements are on their way.
We've hurt them badly at least!
I keep the pressure up on the shaft.
I work them up and down the shaft.
This bit breaks.
As does this.
Overall, Army Group Center is looking rough.
Here they have just pulled back, I advance into the gap.
Units have definitely surrendered down here. That motorized SS unit is gone.
That's not to say there are not prizes to be had!
That's nearly 40k fresh troops surrendered.
Then I move the troops up to the front.
The Crimea is holding solid.
I'll take 172,000 casualties. That's a good week.
I really want AGC now.....

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