Once again, they resupply their troops. Though the red tabs in the corner show they are low on supplies.
The gap is widened.
They push north a little bit more.
Down here, they also move enough troops to reconnect the south.
There are a series of attacks along the line. They hit a series of weak spots.
Our losses are still high.
But the snow is here now!
Time to bring the thunder.
The offensive is on.
I hit them in the south as well.
It seems that being limited to one port has some effects.
We're on the move.
The south is not spared this treatment.
I continue this down the line.
A general advance is underway.
I'm unable to advance much here, but I'm able to move some troops up.
I cut the major rail line here.
I then move on to cleaning up the trapped units.
Several units surrender to my troops.
These guys are annoyingly resilient however. I'll have to try again next week – though ever week they are trapped is burning through their supplies.
The south of the neck is also annoyingly well defended.
That's not to say I don't start constricting – but the men here have been fighting for months, and the formations much more worn down.
I strike weak points as normal.
I of course pay special attention to the Panzer units.
The line north of Kiev breaks.
As does this section.
I continue the offensive in the south.
These guys force back a large number of enemy troops. This Romanian unit shatters.
As does this unit – I push forwards to continue to cut their lines.
They have taken a port here, so they will be getting some supplies – but as we have seen in the north, this is not going to keep them strong for long.
I have spiked their losses however.
Not a bad start for turn 1!

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