They push in the south once more.
Zaporozhye is defiantly their target.
They make a few probes further north, but ignore the dagger threatening their supply lines.
They do make a dent here though.
The very south of the line takes some hits.
Smolensk roars back into life.
The area the break is small.
But the penetration is deeper.
Losses are about normal.
I begin by targetting the Panzer units.
They fall back with heavy losses.
The line here is stable, but not advancing much.
The line here is stable, but not advancing much.
I push some units in the front, but I'm still happy with the gains they are making. They are stretching their line, and putting more units into my trap.
I find a weak spot near Kiev, and hit it.
This is a nice little advance.
Down here is a mess, but I hit a weakened unit.
Then patch the line.
The tempo has dropped a bit, they are losing steam, and I'm prepping for my turn.

Next update