Apparently the Germans are not best pleased by my encirclement of their panzer division.
They quickly reconnect with them.
Then they widen the breach.
We see a few attacks to deepen the salient, but most of their strength is in the north now.
Even here they only advance a hex or so.
In the south we see lots of attack – they being by bouncing off my defences.
Then they start making ground.
Losses begin to mount.
Some of my men end up lightly encircled.
Near Riga, my advancing troops come under attack.
The Germans strike across the front.
Near Kiev they push back my probe.
Losses are pretty typical.
Losses are pretty typical.
I sidle forwards a little bit more....
Here I have no choice but to shorten the line.
I push a few 1:1 units back in the north of the salient, but mainly straighten my lines.
This is an interesting bulge, but I lack the men to really exploit it.
I hit them a bit near Kiev.
Then a series of attacks all down that stretch of the line causes them to lose ground.
A loan Romanian unit is forced to retreat.
It's stalemating a bit here now. But the men down here are not on the lines where I just advanced a hex on a wide front.
I do reconnect these guys however!
Time to pull 300,000 men from the reserves!
There is lots of give and take here.

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