My advancing units are hit.
The Smolensk offensive begins again.
Once again my front line is broken.
This time however, they make a penetration with their tanks.
They move up on the line, this is more of a general advance.
They also attack to the south of their push.
Losses are high here as well.
Near Kiev we take heavy losses.
They make a minor penetration, but nothing to major.
And the city holds.
Those are some heavy losses – maybe the heaviest of the war so far!
Yeah, I'm already all over this!
The north is on standby – there are more Germans up there now, and here they are advancing into the land I gave up – though I get to knock one unit back.
I've got this to patch up as well.
I'm to weak to attack, but I cut off that weak looking Panzer division!
The south is their weak spot, so I begin my attacks here.
I hit weak units first.
It's here I see the real chance to make some movement.
I'm moving forward.
I don't think that little push makes up for their gains, but it may force them to spread their troops out some more. My new Corps are still building up, so won't be available for another turn or two.

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