The Smolensk pushes begin again – and losses are high once again.
They rout my men.
They are attacking along a the eastern front.
Their massed tanks are something we can't stop at this time.
They grind forward.
A breakthrough in the lines allows them to push north.
Further south, there is another push on my lines.
We take out a fair few tanks here.
The thicker defences here are still intact, so they take higher losses.
They also open an offensive in the south.
They push forwards.
There are tanks on the line, and they are being used to push forward.
But in the end, we hold them at the river.
Another week, another 150k losses.
Apparently they are squireling away troops in Western Europe.
I find some weak units in the north and hit them.
Got to keep them off balance.
I manage to push their entire line back, but I hold my ground.
I patch this front up as best I can. But I'm lacking reinforcements to do much else.
Moving the south I hit again.
And again.
They are a lot weaker down here – all forces are near Smolensk for the big push there,
I shatter whole sections of their line.
Then push through.
I can't do anything about the tanks of course, but I can hit them.
It's a bit of give and take across the line now – we'll see how it plays out.

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