The south sees a smattering of attacks.
There is a minor push near Kiev.
I hold here though.
The strong defensive line holds around the city.
Now we're back to the Smolensk offensive.
We're in for heavy losses.
Yep, that hurts!
They are not driving forwards, but widening the bulge.
It's a general push.
Some areas take heavier losses than others
They make a breakthrough, and are able to push forwards.
A final series of attacks along this part of the front winds up the German phase.
Another turn of heavy losses.
I pick a weak spot in the north.
They pushed me back from the river, so I have to move back up to the lines.
Let's go those tanks into the line.
This will have to do.
I strike at a Hungarian unit, routing them.
They are pulling back from this line – they must need the troops elsewhere.
Let's see if we can limit that breakthrough.

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